Our Services

Health, Safety and Principal Designers

EPC’s Construction Design and Management (CDM) consultancy experts have a thorough knowledge of all aspects of the design and construction process and current Health & Safety practices.

Our team assists clients in identifying, collating and providing necessary pre-construction information to designers and principal contractors ensuring compliance with their legislative duties.

In addition, we are able to carry out wider health and safety services including site audits, provision of risk assessments, method statements and a number of other facets to all tiers of a project.

Our Services include:

  • Principal designer role & CDM advice
  • Health & Safety audits
  • Health & Safety project monitoring
  • Construction phase plans

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Principal Designer Services

The latest iteration of CDM Regulations require the appointment of a Principal Designer on certain construction projects.  At EPC Construction Consultants, we have the experience and capability to provide principal designer services in compliance with the legislation.

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Our team assist clients in identifying and collating the pre-construction information, raising the necessary F10 notifications and provide pre-construction information to designers, principal contractors etc., ensuring compliance with their legislative duties.

We provide external health and safety inspections and audits by competent health and safety professionals. These audits include undertaking a thorough site visit, identifying any anomalies in the current health and safety arrangements, encouraging good practices and then we present a formal written report outlining any issues where improvements may be required, a suggested action plan and target completion time scales where applicable.

Similar to Health and Safety audits (which are typically unannounced and do not follow a periodical timeframe), our Project monitoring service means that we can be appointed for the lifetime of a development to visit site and provide weekly, monthly, or even daily health and safety reports.

Our team work with clients and their principal contractors to prepare a construction phase plan which is sufficient to ensure that the construction is planned, managed and monitored in a way which enables the work to be carried out in a safe and compliant manor.

Our Other Services

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